1.英语作文 对油价税费改革的不同看法



For decades, rich and cheap energy provides the impetus for the development of the world economy . The world's electricity consumption is expected to increase dramatically over the next decade. Wind power technology is particularly suited to meet this demand of electricity. With the continuous improvement of transmission network and distribution network, and the dependence of various economic sectors on electrical equipment, power generation technology, such as wind turbines, is becoming more and more important.

At the beginning of the 20th century, small windmills were used in the United States, Scandinia and elsewhere to pump water and generate electricity.In addition to thousands of small wind turbines, a number of experimental large-scale wind power systems are also built in North America and Europe.In the 1950s, however, wind turbines were replaced by fossil-fueled, low-cost centralized power plants.Until 14, the world's oil prices increased by 300%,the wind turbine was re-considered as an alternative energy. In the 10s, -funded research and development programs were deployed all over the world, particularly in North America and Europe.Government and industry advocacy of wind power technology research and development has led to the emergence of modern wind power industry.

英语作文 对油价税费改革的不同看法






Oil tax reform

January 1 refined oil prices since the implementation of tax reform, oil prices did not increase, but the various sectors of the reform program has been mixed. Embody the oil tax reform and more and more tax, reform of taxes and fees for oil prices after the implementation of the impact, we think it is more reasonable oil prices, the additional fuel tax and the abolition of the maintenance fee was basically the same, the cost of keeping a car impact Great.

Reform program has given full consideration to the interests of all parties, especially the countries from January 1 to lower gas prices ahead of schedule to implement, but also highlights the principle of giving benefits to the people. The oil tax reform reflects the "multi-fuel, multi-tax; less fuel and less tax," the principle of a fair tax burden will be beneficial to society as a whole energy-sing awareness of emission reduction.

Transport enterprises of "worries" under the current situation in the finished oil tax reform, a more reasonable timing. Passenger motor vehicle industry, refined oil tax reform is a good thing. Oil tax reform before the introduction of No. 0 diesel price to 6.03 yuan a liter, but also to pay road maintenance fees and other costs. But tax and fee reform, road maintenance, passenger surcharge, transported tube is not only not he to pay fees, and oil prices also dropped to 4.88 yuan per liter. Which is not difficult to see, enterprise burden indeed a substantial margin.

However, due to uncertainty over oil prices, road transport enterprises to implement tax reform finished oil prices he the potential concerns, and that is changing oil prices. If the current 4.88 yuan per liter for diesel prices to adapt to the international oil price of 47 U.S. dollars a barrel standard, then, if international oil prices rose to 94 U.S. dollars, domestic oil prices if it will be doubled? If so, the pressure of the passenger business is unbearable.

In addition, the implementation of tax and fee reform, the secondary road charges will be withdrawn in an orderly manner, but "orderly withdrawal" is how a concept or make it difficult to understand. On the current situation in the province, highway fees or very common, many secondary roads toll stations he not yet withdrawn.




[词典] higher fuel prices;?oil?price?increases;?Rising oil prices


